Have a Limb-Loppin’ Good Time with ‘Severed’

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chris-littlechild - December 9, 2014

Video games love doing the whole ‘bro-tacular power trip' thing. Back in the days of Doom, studly dudes were descending into hell's asshole armed only with a pistol and a manly scowl. This is a common theme among shooters, with Gears of War and Call of Duty and their ilk thrusting the stereotype into our faces.

But hey, let's not deny it. That's how we all are: mantastic manly man-beasts with gonads like cannonballs, who fear nothing and no one. We are all Arnold Schwarzenegger. But not in that shit Christmas film he was in. You know, one of the good ones; Predator or Commando or whichever.

Regardless of the genre of game we're playing, we want the action to reflect our own badass lives. Don't be deceived by Severed's cutesy visuals, it's doing just that.

‘Neath this rather sexy-looking 2D artistry, we've got a festival of limb-lopping violence to enjoy. It comes from the crazy, crazy bastards who brought us Guacamelee!, and it shows. This time, though, combat gets a little more visceral. 'In Severed, you'll hack up enemies and use their body parts to make you even stronger,' quoth Destructoid. And how can you argue with that? Check it out below.

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