Kelly Brook Lingerie Pictures for Even More New Look Hotness

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bill-swift - February 8, 2012

Remember last month when Kelly Brook debuted her signature lingerie line for New Look and we all saw the pictures and we started frothing at the mouth like wild pack animals on the hunt and then we had to drink some orange juice and imagine our second grade teacher with the large mole on her neck, Mrs. Lumpowsky, just so that we could finally stand up in public without suffering any personal embarrassment? Okay, maybe that was just me. But I bet a few of you too.

And, now, there's more.

Additional photos from the Kelly Brook line with the ridiculously hot brunette doing what she does absolutely the best, modeling lingerie with the benefit of her curvaceous wonderment of a body. It really is like being a kid when the circus comes to town. Enjoy.

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