Kirsten Dunst Flashes Her Summer Pleasures for W

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bill-swift - April 23, 2014

We don't see much of Kirsten Dunst these days. I mean, outside of her annual risque indie film roles which are always a treat, the hippy chick keeps a rather low profile, denying us some of her big and bold bosomy treats we've come to lust through the years. Well, now Kirsten is showing off some of her faptastically full funbags in W magazine, my go to lady bible for all things fashionable and nice smelling on the women folk. I don't so much subscribe as I do borrow from the local hair salon, especially issues called 'Summer Pleasures' that feature Kirsten's most chesty of puppies.

Kirsten Dunst may not be showing off for the guys, but I'll take her summer pleasures just the same. Ah, to go boating, nay, motorboating in her soft and fluffy depths. That would be a summer to remember. Enjoy.

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