Bryan Cranston as Lex Luthor? We Want This to Be True. But It Isn’t. Yet.

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bill-swift - August 28, 2013

The rumor mill is a fickle beast. Just as soon as it giveth, it can so easily taketh away-eth. Like, for example, the idea that Michael Keaton might come back for Batman vs. Superman, or that Kevin Spacey was the Lindbergh Baby. Lots of conjecture out there. Which is why we're not completely biting on this whole Bryan Cranston as Lex Luthor thing.

Here's how these things work. A website like this will put out something like this, 'Holy sh*t, dudes...Bryan Cranston is going to play Lex Luthor! Oh, and Matt Damon's going to be Aquaman.'  And then you're all, 'SWEET! OBVIOUSLY! Wait...what?'

It's pretty perfect, though. Almost too perfect. Look at the guy. He's already a supervillain and he's bald. Seems open and shut right? Yeah. Then there's that whole Damon thing. It'd be like if I said, 'We cured AIDS and cancer! Oh, and you can now take a pill that makes your farts smell like freshly baked Tollhouse cookies.' Wait...what? Yeah.  The giveaway line from Comic Book News' 'reportage'?

'Cranston truly is a dream casting for Luthor,' we're told.

Right, and we're also told that Kate Upton is a dream casting as my live-in plaything / muse and Candice Swanepoel is a dream casting for her love interest / sidekick. Captain Obvious needs a break. He's exhausted.

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