Who Are the Most Badass Dwarves in Movies?

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bill-swift - August 10, 2012

There's been a ton of Hobbit news lately. We're still four months away from its release but this week we learned that the two originally planned movies will now be edited as a trilogy, we got a brand new trailer (with hardly any additional footage from the last one), and today we learned that due to a lackluster response from fans and journalists who saw footage screened in the controversial 48 frames-per-second method Jackson experimented with, most cinemas will receive prints in the standard 24 fps instead.

Apparently the biggest complaints revolved around the look of the film. The new frame rate is said to give the footage a very non-cinematic quality, calling attention to the effects and sets, making it difficult to not see the artifice of the world. Basically it's like when you buy a new HD television and you turn it on and everything looks like a BBC drama from the 90s.

But whether you're watching The Hobbit in 24 or 48 frames this December, there's no denying that you'll be watching some heightly-challenged creatures kicking ass. So now we want to know who the most badass dwarf in movie history is. Scroll through our list to see who you think would take home the Gold.

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