Outrage Aimed At Miss USA After Language-Shaming

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elliot-wolf - December 20, 2018

Sometimes I say mean things. Sometimes I say things that I don’t mean. But the rule of thumb when saying either is to start your sentence off with “no offense” or end it with “haha, just kidding” and you’re absolved from any wrongdoing. I don’t know why, but those are the rules. Miss USA totally forget to follow the rules when she made an observation about the lack of Engrish both Miss Cambodia and Miss Vietnam speak. And people had the audacity to actually be shocked that a White woman from Nebreska had no filter when it came to hot takes about other ethnic contestants. The politically correct pandemic hasn’t exactly reached the rural town of Jimmy crack Children of The Corn, Nebraska just yet.

With the 2018 Miss Universe competition just days away, Miss USA Sarah Rose Summers is in the spotlight—but not for any reason she'd want.

In footage surfacing online, the 24-year-old Nebraska native was captured calling attention to fellow contestants Miss Cambodia Rern Sinat and Miss Vietnam H'Hen Nie. The videos were reportedly captured from an Instagram Live on Miss Colombia Valeria Morales' account. She and Miss Australia Francesca Hung were also present for the conversation.

"What do you think of Miss Vietnam Nie?" Summers asked the women during the video.

"She's so cute and she pretends to know so much English and then you ask her a question after having a whole conversation with her and she goes [nods and smiles]," Summers said before laughing. "She's adorable." After Morales asked her "how?" Summers did the imitation again.

Further into the video, Summers brought up Sinat.

"Miss Cambodia is here and doesn't speak any English and not a single other person speaks her language. Can you imagine?" she asked. "Francesca said that would be so isolating and I said yes and just confusing all the time."

"Poor Cambodia," she added.

The comments have sparked a wave of reactions online with many slamming Summers and calling out the fact that it is an international competition. Others questioned her eligibility to compete after making the remarks.

Honestly, no one actually cares about Miss Cambodia’s feelings. And if her Engrish is really that bad then she can’t comprehend that she’s the victim of “bullying.” My economic status would be upper middle-class if I relied solely on receiving a dollar every time an Asian waiter chuckled when I attempted to order in Mandarin. This “leaked” video was definitely the work of a backstabbing treacherous woman attempting to get Miss USA disqualified from the only other broadcasted event more uninteresting than Victoria Secret’s runway show.


Photo Credit: Instagram / MEGA / Backgrid USA 

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