Joanna Krupa Poking Hot in White for Poland’s Next Top Model Auditions

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bill-swift - July 15, 2014

Joanna Krupa and her blonde hotness already won Poland, but she's goes back annually to serve as a judge in finding the next generation of young sweet looking Polish models. Quite benevolent of her. It really is the Lord's work.

Joanna looked rather stunning herself in a little white dress where she was either nipple poking or wearing one of those modern dresses where they design the nipple poking look right where her nipples would be just to confuse the heck out of gentleman oglers I suppose. In any case, her good looks were all Joanna's and right where they should be. Polish may not be one of the Romance languages, but I sure would like to hear Joanna whispering some sweet naughty pierogi recipes in my ear as our bodies remain intertwined for up to seven minutes of raw passion. Mmm, I do so love dumplings. Enjoy.

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