Geek Week: Boob-arama, Sonic Sex and Other Gaming Insanity

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chris-littlechild - August 8, 2012

As the virulent epidemic of bodaciously boobtastic ladies gaming in (or, indeed, bereft of) their undercarriage continues to be propagated, we redouble our efforts to fathom this anomalous, arousing phenomenon. This we could achieve by donning our science hats and entrenching ourselves in tortuous research, surely as fruitful as that mouse that awoke one morning, disconcerted to discover that there was a human ear on its ACTUAL BACKfor no goddamn reason at all.

To purloin a term coined by a overweight hobo we once encountered in an alley that stank of piss, ‘giant gorilla testes to that.' Why use our heads in this manner, when our secondary head would indubitably appreciate the above gallery in its stead. Revel in the nerdy woman-flesh extravaganza and understand that we're merely prepping you for what's about to come. Hot Coffee is heading to a whole other level of games and girls next week.

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