All The Very Best Of: Blonde Surfer Instagram Girl Alana Blanchard’s Hottest Swimsuit Candids

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aldo-vallon - October 29, 2018

Surfing has got to be one of the most inconvenient hobbies there is. It isn’t like skateboarding where the board is small and can be used as an effective mode of transportation. The surfboard is huge and completely useless when it is out of the water, so you look like a tuba player when you are trying to lug it around. The only benefit is that people actually admire surfers, so I guess it is more like the tool that carries around a guitar when he has no reason to play it.

And what happens to the surfers that live in apartments? How do they have room for their surfboards? I do not even have room in my place for my shoes, and surfboards are much more bulky than shoes.

Clearly I do not have the right mindset to be a surfer. I am not like Alana Bouchard, I’m not sexy and I am unwilling to wait in the ocean for an acceptable wave to come along. I’m content to wait until a halfway decent videogame is developed for me to experience some sick swells.


Photo Credit: Instagram 

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