Adriana Lima Lingerie Pictures Officially Signal One Month Countdown to Valentine’s Day

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bill-swift - January 15, 2014

I know, it seems like just yesterday you were cleaning your buddy Bob's vomit off the floor of your bathroom from a New Year's Eve party gone horribly right. But, guess what, you've got precisely one month until the mother of all treacherous days for man-kind. Valentine's Day. This is your official warning shot. The clarion call alerting you to the fork in your road that either signals wonderful making of the sexy time, or cold indifference and suffering. Usually I'd say commercials are full of sheizen, but those ads featuring grateful girls receiving Valentine's Day presents from their men and contrastingly disappointed girls receiving duds, they are pretty damn accurate. The fate of your precious bobos are at risk.

As always, I caution you to remember that your lady may or may not appear precisely as Adriana Lima despite wearing the very same lingerie. In fact, as we draw closer to the holiday, I will once again remind you why lingerie happens to be an especially risky choice for February 14th gifts. But, for now, imagine away. You have 30 days left to imagine the best. Enjoy.

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