‘Monstrum’ Brings the Oculus Rift to Horror Games, Pants May Or May Not Be Fouled (VIDEO)

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chris-littlechild - October 2, 2014

Recently, Alien: Isolation has been monopolizing the whole ‘big ol' monster stalking your ass in the dark' thing. It's doing it rather well, from we've seen thus far, but let's diversify a little. There are other freaky things desperate for a bite of our ‘nads too, and it'd be rude not to give them the opportunity.

Particularly in Monstrum's case. This January 2015 release has its own claim to fame: use of the spangly new Oculus Rift equipment. With this, we can get a full-on immersive experience, complete with headset and earphones. After all, with other survival horror, you run the risk of the spell being broken constantly; by telemarketing bastards or Ma calling you because it's time to hose her down again. Or, y'know, something like that.

The world does conspire against us getting our game on. But not so with the Oculus. You're thrusting your goddamn face right into the action, like one of those VR headsets that nineties cartoons thought we'd all have by now.

Said action looks a little cliched to us, but let's not bitch about it. Monstrum is set on an abandoned ship, where some poor bastard (that is, the player, naturally) is being hunted by something hungry and growly and flesh-rendy. Take a look at the trailer above, it has all the dodgy boiler rooms and creepy ambient sounds you could ask for.

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