Star Trek Wine Boldly Goes Where No Wine Has Gone Before

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bill-swift - June 15, 2013

Fancy drinking wine that has Spock's signature of approval all over it? Okay, maybe not his signature, but maybe his face and some other Star Trek-related imagery then. Before you scoff and shake your head because you think this is another post about awesome but commercially unavailable bottles of wine, we've got a bit of good news for you: these actually exist.

This series of Star Trek-themed wines was specially made by Vinasa Winery in Sonoma, California. There are three designs available, each of which commemorate three different episodes from the original series: 'The City on the Edge of Forever', 'Mirror Mirror', and 'The Trouble with Tribbles'.

The wine probably tastes like most other wines, but hey, sometimes, the packaging matters. This is one of those instances where the outside appearance changes almost everything.

Get It: $25

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