Nun Attack: A Gaming Tribute to the Samurai Sword-Wielding Bishop and His Continuing Internet Fame

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chris-littlechild - May 29, 2013

Let's be frank: if there's one headline you're never (damn well ever) going to pass up, it'd be Samurai Sword-Wielding Mormon Bishop Saves Neighbor. The words grab us by our very manplums and demand perusal, and peruse we did when this bizarre business made news last month. If search trends on them thar interwebs are any guide, we still are.

Kent Hendrix, of Salt Lake City, was alerted by his son to a disturbance in the neighborhood: a woman screaming for help. Whereupon, as timenewsfeed reports, he ‘did the only logical thing – he grabbed the 29-inch samurai sword he keeps next to his bed and stormed outside to help the woman in distress.' Such chivalry! The knights of the days of yore would have spun admiring tales of this guy's valor, as the wind blew around their steely codpieces in their drafty castles.

Presumably, though, they'd have chosen to omit the part where Hendrix was striding about with his wang out immediately prior to this harrowing incident ("I threw on some clothes and grabbed my sword," quoth he). Except he'd simply been sleeping, and not enjoying an alternative lifestyle whereby your equipment is allowed to swing freely as nature intended as you go about your daily life. Not that second thing.

Piss-takery aside, though, the neighbor's assailant soon departed the scene at the sight of the weapon, and later gave himself up to police, to be charged with trespassing, burglary and stalking. All of this was an actual thing that happened, and we salute the pious badassery being showcased right here. With simple, logical steps, then, we proceed from bishops with blades to nuns with guns, with the recently released Nun Attack.

This budget PSN affair for the PlayStation Vita provides an amusing new spin on familiar RTS tropes. The premise is that a squad of four nuns (the fat-ass defensive one, the feeble-yet-invaluable healer, and so forth) must destroy all manner of ghastly beasts, which have been summoned by a renegade fifth sister. The simplistic control scheme -touch and drag to move, touch and drag to an opponent to shoot its face in the face- and toon-tinged visuals make for a accessibly frantic and amusing arcade shooter, which demands just the right amount of strategic thought.

Feel like shooting something evil? Take a look at some trailer-izing Nun Attack action right here:

Source of images: apkviet.

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