Charlie Sheen Barred From Kings Game

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bill-swift - June 9, 2012

The action was fast and furious on the ice Wednesday night in L.A. for Game four of the Stanley Cup Finals, but apparently it was nothing compared to what was going on outside of the arena.

The man who made winning cool, Charlie Sheen, just wanted to smoke a quick cigarette during one of the intermissions so he stepped outside of the arena. Little did he know, once you leave the arena--no matter what the reason-- you are not allowed back in. It doesn't matter how much of a winner you are or if you have tiger blood running through your veins. Once you leave, you are gone.

Apparently Sheen forgot to use some of the anger management techniques from his new show when the security guard would not let him back in. Poor Charlie.

(After a few seconds you can kill it; he just says the same thing for about a minute.)

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