The “He-Man And She-Ra Christmas Special” Was Something Special

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bill-swift - December 11, 2015

Back in the 80's, it was almost obligatory for a show to do a Christmas special. Even if it makes no sense, like the Star Wars Christmas special, for example. One of my favorites is The He-Man and She-Ra Christmas Special. It would be reasonable to ask how He-Man and She-Ra could have Christmas specials seeing as they don't come from Earth and don't have the Christian tradition or Jesus to have a Christmas. Luckily, the writers of this masterpiece got around that through the clever use of Orko being a moron. In the show, Orko gets in a special spaceship meant to spy on Skeletor and ends up getting transported to Earth where he meets two kids named Miguel and Alisha and their Christmas tree. They teach Orko the true meaning of Christmas. Orko then travels back to Eternia with the kids for some reason and they then teach the Eternians about Christmas. They have to wait a few days to be sent back to Earth because some energy crystals have to recharge or something and in the meantime Skeletor and Hordak get into a fight with He-Man and She-Ra over the kids to try and save Christmas. You know, the thing they just found out about.

It's amazing. It follows no logic rules at all but then again, it doesn't need to. It's friggin' He-Man and She-Ra.

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