Why Are We Watching An Old Dude Performing ‘Street Fighter II’ Victory Poses?

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chris-littlechild - November 19, 2015

The Internet, as we know, is the most incredible, ball-bustingly powerful tool mankind has ever created. We have the entire sum of human knowledge at our disposal, all from our cell phones.

What do we use this great power for? Sharing dumbass videos of waterskiing budgerigars, inviting friends to Facebook games they give no shits about and watching strangers waving their genitals around on Chatroulette. I can't help but fear we're misusing the limitless privilege that is the Internet. With great power comes great responsibility, as Spider-Man's uncle used to say.

But you know how it is. The web is a damn dangerous thing, because it's procrastination central. You're trying to research that report for the boss or college paper or whatever, but you find your clicking finger surfing over to articles like 25 Amazing Facts You Never Knew About Penises (blue whales' wangs can reach 8 feet long, apparently) instead. It happens to us all.

What we have to do is manage our online time responsibly. Stick to good, wholesome, productive net use, with your good buddies here at Egotastic! For instance. Or watch an old dude perform each and every victory pose from Street Fighter II. Because if that's not a good use of your time, I don't know what in holy hell is.

This is freaking funny, and a good effort too. Sure, he can't backflip like Vega, and he didn't do a Hulk-style shirt rip like Balrog, but I'm damned if this isn't the best Dhalsim dance you'll ever see. Check it out:

Via Destructoid

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