Sienna Miller Casanova Premiere Pictures

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bill-swift - December 12, 2005

When I saw these pictures of Sienna Miller out for the premiere of her new movie "Casanova" I was initially going to fawn over how pretty she is, and how good she always looks. Then I actually looked at the pictures and noticed a few things.

First of all, Her make-up is extremely odd. She seems to be wearing an orange blush on her cheeks, and her nose. It looks like she was staring into the stove window a little too long, and toasted the front of her face. Second, her outfit is pretty weird. It reminds me of the playing card gardeners from Alice in Wonderland. Which for an aspiring fashion label owner, doesn't seem to bode well for her future sales prospects. And lastly, is it just me, or has Sienna got a bit of a mustache? Sure it's pale, and mostly peach fuzz, but all the same, Sienna Miller needs a lip wax.

More pictures of Sienna Miller, her mustache, and her odd sense of fashion, after the jump.

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