‘Overwatch’ Isn’t Just About Shooting, There’s Also Badminton

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chris-littlechild - June 9, 2016

  There’s a lot of bitching and stereotyping about gamers. You know the sort of thing, all that antisocial-pale-scrawny-nerd-eating-cheetos-in-ma-and-pa’s-basement stuff. The ones who whine on Internet forums and send death threats to developers when games are delayed. Now, sure, that’s some of us. A lot of us either know that guy, or are that guy. 

But hell. It’s 2016, grandpa. Let’s open our damn minds a little. All sorts of people are ‘gamers,’ and brilliantly bizarre, batshit and creative souls they can be too.

Fans of games can come up with some incredible things. They’ll make amazing modded consoles, take months to craft a working replica of a weapon from 10,000 lego bricks, that sort of thing. In this community, there are minds nuttier and more creative than Tim Burton.

Which probably explains Genji Badminton.

Yup. In Overwatch, everyone’s favorite shooter du jour, a band of Korean players have come up with a way to play badminton. ‘All you need,’ Kotaku reports, ‘are a couple of Mercys, as many Genjis as you can muster and a Junkrat who’s willing to basically be a ball machine.’

Check it out below. Looks like a good time to me. I know I said yesterday that Videoball is the only sport the world needs, but I suppose it never hurts to have a spare.

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