Kate Beckinsale Simple, Basic, Super Hot Mommy

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bill-swift - June 8, 2011

What a wonderful day of MILFs this is turning out to be, with hot mommy nonpareil, Kate Beckinsale, caught by distant paparazzi on a stroll in Ontario. The things I'd like to... well, not really proper to say about somebody's mother, but Kate Beckinsale just gets remarkably hotter and hotter as time passes.

Sadly, we still have seven months to wait before seeing Kate in the next edition Underworld (though you know we'll sneak you peeks beforehand), not to mention Kate reprising the role played by Sharon Stone in the reboot (ugh) of Total Recall, got to wait another year on that one. 2012 is going to be a monster year in hot cinema for Kate Beckinsale. Expect lots of skin tight wardrobes. I'm already imagining. Enjoy.

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