Jessica Biel Booty Hotness for MOMA Fundraiser

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bill-swift - November 7, 2013

I don't care what it takes to get Jessica Biel out in public, in a figure hugging dress, flashing some of her mid-to-serious level wooty, I'm just glad it happens.

Last night, Jessica Biel made one of her rare fine female form public appearances in a tight dress for the Museum of Modern Art film benefit in New York. Every now and then the demure wife and actress gives us a glimpse of the Jessica we first fell in lust with years ago, and it's always rather epic. It's unfortunate that she's become so skin-shy in her still-young married years, but it takes all kinds to make this blessed sextastic world go 'round. Including the girls we only get to see showing off some asstastic twice or thrice a year. It's a holiday season treat. Enjoy.

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