Zac Efron Shit on MLK

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Lex Jurgen - January 20, 2016

The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. had his faults. He liked to fornicate. But he got a ton done for black civil rights. Every January government workers and bank tellers get to watch basketball at sports bars to celebrate his birthday. You don't fuck with MLK Day publicly. It's the one nicety America gave to black people after lots of crap behavior. Zac Efron couldn't leave it alone. The star of many horrible films where he's topless because sexism is rampant in Hollywood used MLK Day to promote his own personal achievement. I'm white and I see nothing super wrong with this. Which is why I know it's bad. Tons of backlash Twitter responses later and Efron was forced to post  a pro forma mea culpa pussy ipso facto.

This is why most celebrities employ robotic agencies and practiced girls from state college to write their social media copy. You split these two messages an hour apart and you're fine. Maybe lose the black fist power emojis. Kind of racist. Hashtags can't save everything, only mostly everything. When are the Oscars? I need to bathe in white.

Tagged in: zac efron ,

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