Vanessa Hudgens Bathing Suit and Boudoir Hottie in ‘Reminding Me’ Music Video

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bill-swift - October 9, 2017

I gotta admit, I have no idea of the names of most of the pop music artists of today. Or yesterday for that matter. When you've been around for a few years, I'll probably pick up your name even if your music is craptastic, but I can't be expected to know every guy who's the flavor of the month. Nevertheless, the music industry moves fast on promoting what's trending.

The upside of this is the need to produce music videos with sextastic celebrities to drive views, including not the least of which is Vanessa Hudgens in boudoir wear and bathing suits for a song called Reminding Me, by Shawn Hook, featuring the belusted hot petite sort of singer and thespianic. She's got legs for miles and she's only but a short of stature gal. That's fairly amazing.

I have to watch these things with the sound off or I begin to scream uncontrollably, but with that said, Vanessa Hudgens anything, anytime, anywhere for me. That includes music videos and if she ever needs to try on outfits in my bedroom to get an honest opinion. If I could speak with all that drooling. Vanessa, quite his music video racket and let's get down to the basics -- nude modeling. Then we can play Journey and all be happy. Enjoy.



Photo Credit: YouTube

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