The Power Glove Is Reborn! Kinda

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chris-littlechild - March 2, 2016

Over the years, Nintendo have brought us a mountain of plastic craptastic. ROB the Robot, Mario Kart wheels, the Balance Board, golf club attachments for the Wiimote… none of this shit will ever biodegrade, meaning the environment will be blighted by unwanted Virtual Boys for decades to come.

Best and most nutty-ass of all? The NES's Power Glove. Remember this bad boy? It always reminded me of a fancy tech-filled version of the big ol' glove farmers put on before shoving their hands up cows' asses. A kind of space-age ass glove, if you will.

This thing was too damn much for the people of 1987, and quickly died out. Which isn't all that surprising, as it worked with a grand total of two games. But that was almost thirty years ago, and it's time for the Power Glove of 2016 to rise. Well, sorta.

Sony recently filed a couple patents for peripherals to work with PlayStation VR. Take an ogle at this (via GameSpot):

That's Power Glove 2.0 if ever I've seen it, right there. Patents don't mean that the product in question will actually ever get made, natch, but still. If PlayStation VR makes me feel half as badass as the kid in The Wizard, you can count me in. More shots back at the link above.

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