(SPOILERS) Breaking Bad Takes A Break So Where Do We Go From Here?

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bill-swift - September 5, 2012

Well that happened. After a short two months, Breaking Bad had its mid-season climax which means two things. One--I have ten long months to wait until Walt makes his triumphant return. Two--That I will be forced to enter the meth trade in order to create new episodes for myself in the meantime.

We know that eventually Walt ends up with long hair and a beard at a Dennys with a new name and New Hampshire license plate but there were no clues given in the first half of the season to allude to just how Walt gets there or what he's there to do.  So where do we go from here? There are dozens of threads that have been left dangling in the breeze, but with only eight episodes left, which will creator Vince Gilligan decide to tie up.

Here are a few of the questions that need to be addressed for the last half season of Breaking Bad.

Will Skyler and Walt reconcile? My one problem with last night's episode was that people suddenly made very important character changes on a whim. Walt gave his entire empire up and Skyler suddenly came back to reality and while enjoying a barbecue with her family actually seemed to be genuinely doting on Walt.

Will Jesse be relevant? He's out of the game and just got the pay off of a lifetime. And now he knows that Walt is probably going to let him live. So will he stick around or take off? And will Hank's revelation about Walt affect Jesse's plans?

What will Hank do? Hank figured out the most important case of his career while taking a dump. But that's how things go sometimes. What will this revelation have on the last eight episodes? I think under different circumstances, Hank might have let Walt off the hook. But the betrayal might be too much for his brother-in-law. Think about all he's had to go through because of Heisenberg. He was almost killed and now has a painful limp; he was humiliated in front of his colleagues; made a fool of. Not to mention the fact that Walt basically made Hank an accomplice in his entire operation, which may be the one thing that gets Walt off the hook -- Hank might not want the entire DEA to know that his brother-in-law is the biggest meth dealer this side of the Czech Republic. So I suggest he just whips up a case of Schraderbrau and forgets he ever picked up Leaves of Grass while on the can.

Will the Cancer return? For a show that started about a man dying with Cancer, the C-word has been relatively absent from the show the past two seasons, but Sunday night's episode contained one shot of of Walt getting a check-up. Could this be foreshadowing Walt's eventual fate? Don't forget that in the season premiere, Walt gave an ostensibly innocuous cough, but nothings done randomly on this show and maybe it wasn't so harmless after all.

Will the Czechs want their meth? What seemed like a big move forward for the show's plot, but ultimately added up to little screen time was Lydia's distribution deal to save her life by turning Heisenberg global. Now that Walt is out of the biz, will the Eastern European meth distributors come stateside to look for the man who caused their stashes to dry up?

Knowing Vince Gilligan, all these questions will be answered in usual tense, suspenseful time. Now it's just time to play the waiting game and twiddle our thumbs until next summer.

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