Ron Burgundy Sang a Song for Crack-Loving Toronto Mayor Rob Ford on Conan O’Brien

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bill-swift - November 22, 2013

If you had told me a year ago that Will Ferrell would go on the Conan O'Brien show dressed as Ron Burgundy and sing a song dedicated to some sweaty, foul-mouthed, crack smoking Canadian mayor, suffice it to say I would have given you a funny look.

And yet, here we are. This Rob Ford guy is the biggest news story of the fall—or at least the most amusing—and last night Ferrell decided to use that hype to rustle up even more publicity for the upcoming Anchorman 2.

Of course, his "dear, dear, dear friend" Rob Ford wasn't the only thing he talked about with Conan. Burgundy also discussed his ubiquitous Dodge Durango commercials, while touching on the very important topic of what to do in the event of a prison riot. But it was Ron's persuasive endorsement of the "damn honest" crack-loving Canuck and his performance of what he insisted was the mayor's new campaign song that stole the show.

Man, the world is a weird place.

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