Miss Teen Delaware Lies Like a Porn Star (VIDEO)

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editor - March 3, 2013

A porn website posted a sex video Monday featuring a woman who looks and sounds like King. The site claims it is the teen pageant winner. King, contacted Monday, said she was aware of it but denied it was her.

"Absolutely not," she said. "It is not."

-- USA Today

Want to talk about people who did invent most everything on the Internet? It's people who sell porn. They're crafty motherfuckers and always a step ahead of the rest of us.

So no surprise that when they got Miss Teen Delaware, Melissa King, to do an amateur porn scene, they filmed her on camera giving consent. No implied consent here, just plain old fashion, 'Yeah, I'm about to get fucked on camera, and I'm taking the cash, even though someday I'm going to wish I hadn't.'

If you can't trust porn star beauty pageant winners, who the fuck can you trust?

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