Miss BumBum World 2021 Says She Gets Bullied for Being Too Hot!

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S J - December 29, 2021

Miss BumBum World 2021 Nathy Kihara says she's been getting a lot of backlash recently.  Why the hate?  Because according to her, she's too hot.

The curvy 34-year-old called her haters weird for having a problem with her.

"Some people are really judging me for being too hot," she said.

"They have a problem with me being up to standard and having a nice body. That's weird."

Nathy claims that the recent backlash is pretty new to her, as she added: "It's different and it's not cool."

I know for a fact one way to get less haters, call people out for hating on you for being too hot.  That works every time!

Or is that how you get more haters?  I can't remember...  One thing is for sure, she is hot.


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