Joann Van Den Herik Models Lingerie for Debenhams

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elliot-wolf - February 17, 2018

Bella and Gigi Hadid are two of my favorite models to look at. The best bonus about them is that they’re related. It’s like I had hit the jackpot with a double feature of a lovely face to look at. I didn’t think things could ever get better when it came to news about those two but I was completely wrong. I was blown away when I heard they had a cousin who also happened to be hot and not afraid to show some skin. Joann Van Herik is hotter than a jalapeño left out on the porch in the middle of August. I’m beginning to question if these women are real or there’s just some factory somewhere pumping out perfect easy going women. It's almost like attractive ladies who only like to smile and take pictures in their underwear are escaping from an IKEA for models.

Obviously, that's crazy talk but it would be nice if it were true. Until cloning does get approved I’ll settle for the next best thing which is sisters who look alike along with their relatives. I hope Joann makes it big with her modeling career because she has a face that I wouldn't mind seeing more of.

Photo Credit: Splash News / Instagram

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