If You Must Cheat, Get Something Better Than This: Aquafina Editable and Printable Cheat Sheet

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bill-swift - May 4, 2013

I once cheated during an exam by engraving notes and formulas onto the sole of my shoes. I passed the test but ruined a good pair of shoes in the process (I know, why didn't I wear my old ratty shoes instead, right? Chalk it up to panic.) So don't follow in my footsteps (pun intended)--either study for that damned test or find a better way to cheat.

And by 'better', we're actually telling you not to use the Aquafina bottle cheat sheet template that's currently making the rounds on the interwebs.

The page by White Weasel displays an Aquafina water bottle label that you can edit and fill up with cheats, notes, formulas, and whatever else you need to pass that test. It's a funny idea, but I doubt that it'll work in real life, unless you happen to have a printer that can print on clear plastic lying around your house.

Better study buddy up and start cracking those books.

Check It Out: White Weasel

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