Carly Rae Jepsen Gets As Showy As She Will (Until the Nekkid Photos Surface) on the Set of Her New Music Video

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bill-swift - September 21, 2012

I'm not sure if it's because she's a Bieber disciple, or because she's the latest and greatest embodiment of teener bopper craptastic fare, but probably mostly just because she's cute and kind of hot, but we can't help but wonder what those naughty photos that exist somewhere out there in the digisphere of Carly Rae Jepsen will ultimately show us.

For now, we settle for the itty bitty bits of fun time shows we get from the young vanilla pop star, including her get up and show on the set of her music video 'The Kiss' in Burbank yesterday. It's not exactly an overwhelming reveal of the bodily flesh, but just enough to keep us hoping to see those bedroom photos we keep hearing about. As always, we shall keep searching the byways and alley ways of the world for those seedy visual wonderments. For now, enjoy.

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