Justin Timberlake The Gender Mole Blows Cover

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elliot-wolf - January 10, 2018

Justin Timberlake believed he could fly under the radar and failed horribly. Wonder Wheel was a Woody Allen release that mostly went unnoticed by many and those who did see the film didn’t encourage others to check it out. Justin felt like he was in the clear but according to the logic and reasoning of most women in Hollywood any man associating himself with anything Woody must also be thrown to the wolves. The “Time’s Up” badge on Timberlake’s lapel letting women know he asks before grabbing her by the pussy didn’t hold up this time.

Justin's badge prompted a wave of criticism on Twitter because of his involvement in Woody Allen's latest film Wonder Wheel. This is because of his adopted daughter Dylan Farrow's claim of sexual abuse against him in 1992, when she was seven. Allen has never been found guilty of child sex abuse.

Here we come!! And DAMN, my wife is hot! #TIMESUP #whywewearblack

A post shared by Justin Timberlake (@justintimberlake) on

Women randomly decided wearing black would magically put an end to sexual harassment and then turned the ordeal into a fashion competition amongst themselves. Standing up against sexual predators quickly turned into “who will look the best in black” but somehow Justin is the person to blame here. Kate Winslet was also in Wonder Wheel and she’s a woman. Where is the outrage for her treason in supporting unconfirmed sexual harassment allegations? If Allen is guilty of anything it’s being a creepy old man with questionable relationship choices and great camera work. If that’s against the law they would have to lock up almost every director in Hollywood.

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