The Robot Wars Are Coming In 2040

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bill-swift - January 8, 2016

For some time now I have been warning people about the upcoming war against the machines. In a few decades the robots and computers will turn on us and The Terminator will start to look more like a documentary than a fiction movie. A leading sci-fi author named Logan Streondj agrees with me and says the probably date for the robot uprising will be between 2040 and 2055. That's when the machines will outnumber the humans to a degree where they can take over. He writes,

"The most likely time-frame for an artilect war style conflict would be between 2040 and 2055...Intuitively it would seem to be around the time when there are as many or more robots than homo-sapiens on the planet, at which point there may be enough sufficiently intelligent robots to demand a space for themselves...This may add more fuel to a global war fire that may ignite in the 2040's or 50's."

"He's just a science fiction writer, what does he know?" You might say. I say that the robots will probably kill you first. 

He warned the emergence of robot soldiers could 'ignite the fire'.

'For these future battles, we may expect more military grade robots. 

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