‘Doom’ Release Date Leaks; Leaks Like Our Tears Of Joy At Its Coming

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chris-littlechild - January 8, 2016

Remember Doom? Of course you do. It's the goretacular, demon-dustin' face that launched 1000 clones. 1992's iconic shooter was more pop culture event than video game; the whole world wanted a slice of it. Hardened gamers aside, investment bankers would be Doom-ing it up at work, trying to conceal the screens of their chunky early nineties PCs behind their briefcases and filofaxes.

My grandma was all up in it, wanging cacodemons in the face with the BFG on Nightmare difficulty. But then she's always been a badass like that. Ah, good times.

The sequels, Doom II and the pain-in-the-ass-switching-between-flashlight-and-gun Doom 3, were pretty darn sexy in their own ways. They just never seemed to have quite the impact of the first. The upcoming fourth game, named simply Doom, might. With its spangly new Mortal Kombat-ish melee finishers and such, this one's turing the ultra violence up to Itchy and Scratchy levels.

Even die hard franchise fans have been pleased with what they've seen so far, which is good going. So when the hell can we get our hands on the game? June 30, is a recent leak from Amazon France has it right.

‘All versions of the game show the same release date and price,' IGN reports. 'It's entirely possible that the date is merely a placeholder, or possibly a mistake, but Amazon France has spilled the beans on releases in the past, so it isn't outside the realm of plausibility. For instance, Amazon France listed Rise of the Tomb Raider for PC would release at the end of January, something that turned out to be 100% true.'

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