Ariana Grande Red Hot Performance at the Jingle Ball (Oh, Yes, They Were Jingling)

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bill-swift - December 9, 2014

As far as musical performance go, well, the visual performance at the Jingle Ball were well worth the price of admission if you're good at jumping fences. Chief among them my belusted little hottie Ariana Grande flashing bottom and hot legs and her minxy female form in an irrepressible red. Or flaming red. Or just red hot to the touch but you're still going to touch because you can't help yourself. That latter color might be it.

Ariana Grande is building herself a nice career out of her catty female form and strutting across the stage in showy outfits. I couldn't respect her accomplishments more. This is the very best of pop music and the most relatable portion for grown men. Oh, how I'd like to relate to Ariana in her little short skirts and showy tops. I'd learn a few of her songs as needed. There's no limit to which I won't support my own game. Enjoy.

Photo Credit: Splash News

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