Devil Baby Attacks New York

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bill-swift - January 16, 2014

It's a myth that New Yorkers aren't helpful. If someone is in distress they will try and help. This is especially true if it's a kid. That's why it's the perfect place to pull the old demonic baby attack. The folks at Thinkmodo rigged up a truly frightening baby doll in a remote control stroller that lays in wait for a victim to mistake it for an abandoned baby. When they approach, Satanic goofiness ensues. The prank is also a publicity stunt for the found footage horror flick Devil's Due about a woman who is preggers with Satan's spawn. This video illustrates something I've always wondered about the Antichrist: is he evil from birth? Like, does impale his teddy bears in the crib and cry all night just to be an a-hole? Does he stab a kid at preschool with one of those long Lego pieces? I guess we'll find out when the Beast is born from the womb of a jackal.

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