Meet the ’20 PS4 Games you MUST Play in 2014′ (VIDEO)

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chris-littlechild - January 16, 2014

PlayStation Access don't eff around. When they say you must, they mean you really must. It's a we-can't-be-held-accountable-for-any-damage-Sony's-assassins-cause-to-your-genitals-if-you-don't sort of deal.

As PR schemes go, it's a little on the shady side. After all, there's a heaping helping of awesome coming our way, which is incentive enough to bust out our cashtacular money as it is. But the PlayStation 4 owners among us have already done that, and now they want to see the return on their investment. They want to see a 2014 line-up that their spangly new console can be proud of.

So let's feast our eyes, ears and manly hairy nostrils on the above clip. It showcases a diverse mix of gaming goodness, from DriveClub to Thief to Dying Light. Via Infamous: Second Son. They're not all exclusive, but they're all nerdily arousing.

As an added bonus, because it's these guys, questionable jokes and equally questionable accents are supplied as standard. Would we have it any other way? We wouldn't.

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