‘Call of Duty: Ghosts’ Brings Outer Space Drama for the Trailertastic Double Header (VIDEO)

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bill-swift - September 17, 2013

We've already seen Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag's next-gen showcase. That dynamic ship-boarding system and the lush, expansive environments are looking, we can all agree, mighty fine. But on a Monday morning, you need more than that. You need ball-busting badassery, and sometimes enough alcohol to send King Kong into a coma.

But it's only 10am here, and we don't start our heavy drinking until... at least 10:15. So, our doctor recommends we settle for the badassery. Step forward, Call of Duty: Ghosts.

On Friday, we gave this trailer a passing mention for its crazy helicopter-savaging dog. While that was quite a sight, in a T-1000 careening through a top-floor window on a motorcycle to hijack a chopper sort of way, let's look beyond the dog. Let's look far beyond, into actual goddamn space. Quite why Ghosts's campaign is taking us there is unclear, but there's surely something convoluted and gun-flavored afoot. Behold warfare on the series' grandest scale yet above.

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