Selena Gomez Using Hot Legs to Sell Shoes

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bill-swift - July 13, 2013

Selena Gomez and her Adidas may walk through concert doors and roam all over coliseum floors, or maybe mall tour dates at least, but rather than the new shoes she's pimping for the brand's Fall collection, I must admit I've mostly been checking out her hot little legs. For a petite girl, our belusted Latina diva has some of the finer stems in town. Strong, but supple, and what I have to imagine being quite flexible in the area where men go to dream.

Selena is fully free and clear now of her physical and mental midget partner and moving on with her romantic life. I suspect it's about time now she starts responding to all my personal fan letters. Not so much personal in words as they are personalized from various body parts included. I go Van Gogh for the girls who truly inspire me. Selena, keep the ear, send me back a letter! Enjoy.

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