Light-Up Psychedelic Bras Look Good When They’re On, But Even Better When They’re Off

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bill-swift - March 27, 2013

I don't think guys care very much what kind of bra their girl wears, as long as it's easy to unhook. Nothing kills the mood more than struggling with the hook while you're both in the throes of passion.

But hey, if you're the type of guy who wants to get a show before doing the dirty, then you might want to get your SO a couple of these psychedelic light-up bras that look almost as good on than when they're off. She's already your little showgirl in the bedroom, so why not give her a little something to make it easier for her to get into character?

This will light up your night and ignite your sex lives in more ways than one.

These light-up bras come with a bunch of accessories like animated battery packs and sound-responsive sensors which will make the bras flash and blink to the beat of the music.

Gift It: $45 - $65

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