Ruh-Roh! Amanda Bynes Smoking the Dank and Eating Tacos and Cruising Around on Her Suspended License

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bill-swift - September 14, 2012

Amanda Bynes was spotted in the Valley smoking some bud, eating tacos in her car, and driving around aimlessly in circles. To be fair, other than the fact that she's driving around on a suspended license, it does kind of sound like my every Saturday.

Still, after being finally charged with a couple hit-and-runs by the celeb-friendly L.A. authorities, Amanda is not supposed to be behind the wheel of even her Barbie Toy Hash-Mobile, so this is kind of not such a good thing.

Check out TMZ for all the pictures of Amanda's Blazed Ride Through the Valley and her messed up looking car complete with some sativa grindings.

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