On The “Full House” House

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bill-swift - November 26, 2015

I am in love with Full House. It's a terrible show, I know that. But I love watching it, mainly because it is like mental heroin. I can just shut my brain off and have my mind pumped with blandness and serotonin. It's like a Danny Tanner hug for your soul. I'm also pretty psyched for Fuller House. It will probably suck, but then again so did the original. One of the thing that has always fascinated me about the show is the house itself. It seems to expand to the needs of the family. Much like the Hotel California, you can't escape it. The show started out as a simple two story building but by the end of the series there were four floors of living space. There has long been a controversy over the apartment that Jesse builds in the attic. From a frontal view of the house it APPEARS as if the room is flat and therefor could neither have an attic nor the peaked ceiling of their apartment.

But if you look at an aerial view of the real houses you notice that the house does in fact have a peaked roof. So, it is possible that Jesse could have built an apartment up there. The basement, of course, cannot be seen from the outside. Why would a house in an earthquake prone area be built with both a basement and an attic is a different question.

The point is that the house itself is a living, breathing character on the show. In the same way that the characters grow on the show so too does the house grow to accommodate them all. I imagine in Fuller House the house has just become a 7 story apartment complex. Because God forbid a giant family not all live together. Plus Joey the weird friend. 

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