More Kanye West Controversy

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bill-swift - February 10, 2006

So, if you're a regular here at Egotastic!, you probably know I have no love for Kanye West. As a musician and a producer, the guy is great, but as a person, well, that's another story. I think Jackass pretty much sums it up. He's a dink, and I don't like him.

It turns out however, that I share this point of view with none other than Brandon Flowers, lead singer of the Vegas Neo-New-Wave rock band, The Killers. According to Contact Music, Kanye West's inflated ego makes Flowers "ill."

Flowers says, "He makes me ill.

"I wanted to love him so much when he first came out. He has this sweet voice, and there's a cuteness to it.

"And then you see him in interviews and he's like a lion. It just ruined the whole package for me."

No here's the ironic part. I feel the same way about Brandon, and his little rock group, as he feels about Kanye. You see, I used to be a big fan of The Killers, and their catchy, albeit derivative tunes. And then I saw them perform live. If you can actually call it that.

The Killers' show was so devoid of any passion, or care, that watching them stand around on stage and play all the songs on their album, exactly the way they sound on the album, made me ill. The Killers are nothing more than poseurs, who take their false personas far more seriously than they do their music.

Kanye West's ridiculous ego may be extremely annoying, but at least it's (somewhat) deserved. The Killers, on the other hand, and Brandon Flowers in particular, need to prove a lot more before their opinions on any subject will ever come close to mattering.

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