PAX 2016: ‘Outlast II’ And the Creeps in the Cornfield

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chris-littlechild - April 27, 2016

  Ah, Outlast. This first-person survival horror title hit in 2013, and quickly became one of the best damn received titles the genre has seen in some time. A favorite of Youtubers everywhere, this one’s had many Pewdiepie-alikes howling like orgasming orangutans into their webcams for our ‘entertainment.’ 

It was a fairly clichéd story, all told. A nosey-ass journalist goes to investigate an eerie, remote mental hospital in the mountains of Colorado. Spoiler: shit hits the fan when he gets there. Where have I heard that basic plot before? Every-freaking-where, that’s where.

Even still, Outlast managed to create an atmosphere of genuine tension, fear and all of that good stuff. Horror games today usually fail horribly at this, and it was great to see. For fans, this will be too: Footage of the first demo of the sequel, Outlast II, fresh from PAX East 2016.

The game’s coming this Fall, and it’s clearly got the Blair Witch Project-y, I’ve-got-a-camcorder-and-I’m-vlogging-while-being-hunted-by-things-that-want-to-chew-on-my-gonads thing down pat. Check out the footage below, featuring our hero, a cornfield and a buttload of terror.

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