Today In Japanese Perversion: Octopus Modeling

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Michael Garcia - September 22, 2016

The Japanese have a tradition going back centuries of hot chicks having sex with octopi and squid. There is a print from the 1600's called “Dream of the Fisherman’s Wife” that shows just that, so the Japanese people that are into tentacle porn come by it honestly. That's why it's not surprising that a sexy food blogger named Namada decided to do a photoshoot with a live octopus. Namada wore her underwear and the squiggling cephalopod and nothing else. What is the point? What's she trying to show? I guess it's that octopus is delicious. It has long been a part of traditional Japanese cuisine as well as their sexual fantasies. Normally I would find a picture of a hot Japanese girl in her underwear very appealing. But the octopus kind of takes me out of it. We report on models all the time here at Egotastic and none of them, as long as I've been working here any way, have posed with a rubbery denizen of the deep.

One does not want to be a cultural chauvinist. I know what one country might find hot another one might find repellent. The worst part is that when they were done with the shoot they boiled the octopus and ate it. What lack of respect for your fellow model. 

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