‘The Hobbit’ Enters the Battle of the Little People

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bill-swift - September 14, 2012

Incase you were worried you'd have to devote two years of your life to watching all three films of the one book of The Hobbit, your fears are thankfully assuaged. While the second film in the series, re-titled The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, will indeed hit theaters a year after the first, the newly-added third film in the series, The Hobbit: There and Back Again, will actually come out a mere seven months after that on July 18, 2014. So now only 18 months of your life will be lost to watching, rewatching and analyzing the epics of Lilliputian proportions.

While I personally am a little weary of returning to the world Jackson created (to be honest I was kind of over it by the third ending of Return of the King), most of the world is anxiously awaiting a return to Middle Earth and to get to see a Hobbit in action once again. But are Hobbits the little people you want on your side on an epic quest?

If you had to do battle and were forced to bring a heightly-challenged ally along with you, would Bilbo be your first choice? We pit our favorite film little people head-to-head (which basically comes up to about your waist) in our gallery of the most badass dwarves in film.

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