Steve Carell Plays With Dolls in Debut Trailer for ‘Welcome to Marwen’ (VIDEO)

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brian-mcgee - June 20, 2018


If you haven't seen the brilliant little documentary from a few years back titled Marwencol, I would encourage you to check it out before the new Robert Zemeckis adaptation titled Welcome to Marwen hits theaters this fall. Both films tells the story of Mark Hogancamp (played in Zemeckis' film by Steve Carell), a man who dealt with a savage attack on his life by crafting a world in his own backyard populated by plastic representations of all of the people in his life.

Zemeckis is a director who used to craft quirky sci-fi comedies about people whose ambitions couldn't be contained by polite society. This seems like a return to form for the director, at least on the surface, though it also fits into his new niche of true stories enhanced with digital effects. Fingers crossed it's more the former than the latter, though.

Hogancamp's story is a great one, and one that I hope this film enhances it without turning treacly, a feat Zemeckis hasn't really achieved in a very long time. Carell is also due another high concept big hit, something he hasn't had in a while. Let's just hope that this and Beautiful Boy don't create a problem for him come awards' time, though, as I can state for a fact he's outstanding in that film. Welcome to Marwen opens in theaters nationwide on November 21.

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