Michelle Rodriguez Goes to Jail

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bill-swift - April 26, 2006

Well, I have to say, Michelle Rodriguez still scares me. I mean, this girl is hard. After pleading guilty to drunk driving, she was given the choice of performing community service, or going to jail. She chose jail. CNN also reports that her Lost co-star, Cynthia Watros, was fined, and sentenced to counselling and had her liscence suspended.

"I kind of have to get back to my life, go back to making some money," Rodriguez said outside the courtroom after pleading guilty to driving under the influence. "It kind of gave me a hard hit. ... I'm human."

The 27-year-old Rodriguez and cast member Cynthia Watros were both charged with drunken driving after they were pulled over December 1 in separate cars within 15 minutes of each other.

On Tuesday, the judge gave Rodriguez the option of jail time or community service. Carrying three books and dressed casually in a tank top and sweats, she surrendered to authorities at the Kaneohe District Court later in the day.

Choosing jail over community service was a "personal choice," said her attorney, Steve Barta.

"I would suspect that because she has a hard time even going out for a meal without being intruded upon for an autograph or photograph, it's really difficult for her to do community service," he said.

Watros, who plays Libby on the ABC castaway drama, pleaded guilty to drunken driving in January and was fined $312, ordered to undergo an alcohol assessment and 14 hours of counseling. She also had her license suspended for 90 days.

Of course, with prison comes the image of lonely women, locked up behind bars, and the mind wonders... Those showers can be a dangerous place. Which makes those Michelle Rodriguez bikini pictures from a while back all the more interesting.

Previously:Michelle Rodriguez and Cynthia Watros Arrested for Drunk Driving

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