Kid From ‘Two and a Half Men’ Tells You To Stop Watching His Show Or Satan Wins…I’m Dead Serious.

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bill-swift - November 27, 2012

If you've never watched Two and a Half Men before, now's the time to start! Angus Jones, the titular 'half' of the title, has created a video with a guy who appears to be his pastor, slamming the show, what it stands for, his character, TV in general and urges people to please stop watching the show. I've been telling people that for years, but no one's ever listened. Here's hoping Angus has better luck.

The plea you can watch in the video above takes on very Scientoligy-tones when Jones starts talking about the spiritual and psychological damage TV has on your soul, reckoning that a battle with Satan is on hand (even after Charlie Sheen left the show?). And things are made even weirder when you dig into the group posting the video--the Forerunner Chronicles. What are the Forerunner Chronicles? At first I assumed it was some kind of barefoot running club that meets weekly at Griffith Park, but I guess it's something else all together. How this guy managed to survive ten years on set with Charlie Sheen and Ashton Kutcher is beyond me.

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