Idiot Lies Between the Tracks While a Train Passes Above Him (VIDEO)

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bill-swift - July 2, 2013

This guy is such an idiot and what he's doing is so dangerous that kids really shouldn't be allowed to see this video, lest they decide to follow what he did. But for everyone else who's 18 and above and who understands the risks involved (yes, that's our disclaimer right there), then what are you waiting for? Hit 'play' and watch as this douche lies down in between train tracks while a train passes above him.

A million and one things could've gone wrong and this guy could have died. Obviously, he didn't, otherwise we wouldn't be showing you the clip of his stupid stunt in the first place.

It's crazy, it might even be fun, but if you want to do something to break the monotony in your life, we wouldn't suggest this. Why don't you go and climb Mt. Everest instead?

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