Emma Watson Steals the Gingertastic Carpet at the London Premiere of Deathly Hallows

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bill-swift - July 8, 2011

It's almost here. One week until the final final (supposedly) installment of the bazillion dollar Harry Potter mega-film mega-franchise, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2, wherein, each and every one of your geekboy questions will be answered regarding the fate of the boy wizard, Hogwarts, and the evil villain Gargamel (I think that's right) who has been trying to kill Harry for like $90 work of movie tickets now.

But, most importantly, is the end of the run for Hermione Granger, portrayed by the grandmaster ginger thespianic, Emma Watson, who has literally grown up and out before our eyes over the years of the film franchise. Sure, some still hold a grudge for her chopped off locks, and, believe me, I wept in the corner of my rumpus room for three days straight when she cut the ginger tresses, but, Emma Watson remains the center of ogle worthy attention, a deserving hottie, who, of course, stole the show this very evening at the Trafalgar Square London premiere of Potter. Enjoy.

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